08 Jan 2019   |    Views : 685     |      |   

The churning of the ocean and the fierce battle over the immortal nectar is told in the Puranas, it is also found that the drops of amrit fell upon the earth and whoever baths at this place where bright Ganga meet the dark waters of the Yamuna during the month of Magh, will not be reborn, even in thousands of years"

  1. Do you think the battle between the Demi-Gods & Demons for Nectar is significant? 
  2. Do you think bathing in water is beneficial to us or in a way is an opportunity to purify our existence? or 
  3. Do you think it is more important to fight with the demonic nature of our mind
  4. Do you think there is some nectar or poison that is achieved when there is churning in our mind for theright and wrong?  

If you think it is important to keep our life balanced in every calamity we encounter, then UMANG is the place for you to learn the art of making the right decision.

Actually, our life may appear to be full of problems, but life is rather a good opportunity to learn balancingthe multiple roles and responsibilities. This is possible only by selecting the right lifestyle category for yourself. 

UMANG is a festival where knowledge is shared among the youths of NOIDA for finding out the ways how to lead a happy & peaceful life.

We as part of the ISKCON Youth Forum (IYF), NOIDA whole heartedly invite you to register for UMANG 2019, where this time we gonna learn from the battle of KUMBHA, the art of fighting the demons and problem of the 21st century. 

The learning includes

a) What to do when problem attacks? 

b) What to do when success deviate us? 

c) What to do when we find no solution

d) What to do when surrounding people cheat us?

We share this great wisdom not only through a motivation talk but also in an innovative and involving manner through quiz, activities on increasing focus, drama, rock-show & dance.

If we say in a nutshell, this is day for you to takeaway the most scientific knowledge that will make you set a goal and achieve it. So make one right decision to register for UMANG 2019 and explore the excitement awaiting for you. 

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