02 Jan 2019   |    Views : 141     |      |   

Spiritual Consultation with Akashic Intelligence:

Akasha means ether in Sanskrit and is the Fifth element as stated in Hindu Vedas. The Akashic Records, or Book of Life is the place in energetic terms where every deed, word, thought, feeling, intention and action from any life past, present, and possible future is stored. As that implies, we have the ability to enter our records and change our futures.

Akashic Records are a spiritual repository which contain the story of all creation, all primordial substance, as well as your souls journey throughout all times, all forms, and all dimensions of existence. Thus, Akashic Intelligence is the field of cosmic information wherein Akashic Records are stored as an energetic recording of all thoughts, events, and experiences of our soul. It also contains our souls essence and blueprint at inception before being covered up by the experiences and influences of life.


About Personal Therapy Sessions:

You may feel moved to schedule a reading during the following, when you wish to:

    • Open your heart to receive the support you need to follow your souls path
    • Understand the difficult relationships in your life, the gifts they hold, and how to heal them
    • Clear your personal energy field so that you can set healthy boundaries
    • Receive tools to understand and release the karma that is keeping you stuck in old patterns
    • Work with your soul contracts and bring to completion those that no longer serve you
    • Gain clarity around the creative steps you need to take next
    • Raise your energy vibration to increase your healing powers and strengthen your intuition
    • Clear money blocks to facilitate the flow of money into your life
    • Learn how your past lives affect this life and what you can do to shift that old energy
    • When you feel it is time to let go of limiting beliefs, bad habits, or painful past events
    • In times of transition (birthday, divorce, death, etc.)
    • Release 3Rs Regret, Resentment and Rejection
    • Unplug the feeling of being stuck, in fear or confusion
    • Find reasons for unexplained emotion, mental or physical discomfort and feelings of sadness or pain
    • Seek clarity on your lifes potential and purpose or unable to find satisfaction in current occupation or business
    • Find answers to unexplained life events


 In general, a minimum of two-three sessions is required to fully receive the transformational benefits of this personal therapy session series:

Session 1: Spiritual Consultation: During this session, the therapists understands your key issue that you wish to resolve, using concepts of Spiritual Psychology and tested models of Cognitive Behavioural Techniques. This consultation is crucial to understand the root of the Karmic event that triggered the present situation in the current lifetime. Though this session itself reveals many transforming aspects about your present life situation that can deliver lasting healing and therapeutic results, the second part of personal therapy session series helps to understand Soul Journey, Soul Contracts and Karma, and Life Lessons.

Duration: 1-2 hrs

Energy Exchange: Rs 3,000/- 


Session 2: Akashic Records Reading: During this session, the Akashic Records Consultant connects with your energetic codes to reveal past life karma and events that has triggered the current situation. Among other information, a Personal Akashic Reading Session can help you with:

    • Possible Solutions for difficult situations, including relationship and money issues
    • Information about your souls purpose and path
    • Past life clearing that will help to release blocks and fears.
    • Information that enables you to heal past-life wounds
    • An energy shift that removes stress from both your mind and body
    • Clarity around your persisting issues or your next step(s)
    • Useful Information to make choices around your relationships, career etc
    • Clearing of patterns that prevent you from pursuing your true calling.
    • Ways to reclaim positive energy to support you in creating a soul-aligned business or career path


Based upon the need, guidance from the Intuitive Cards Deck for Cosmic Guidance may also be used for gaining deeper clarity about the situation. This may support in identifying what must be done to overcome the current situation and possible outcome.

Duration: 1-2 hrs

Energy Exchange: Rs 3,000/-



    • Short Term Benefits: By searching the records for the origin of issues, recurring lessons, and our general purpose from lifetime to lifetime, you have the ability to shift our future and our future lives into a different direction. So much of what we are doing here is learning how to be human when encapsulated in a power packed session can rather bring forward life transformation understanding about our existence. By asking questions about our current and past lives, we open the door of opportunity to make huge shifts in our energy and what we are here to do.
    • Long Term Benefits: Long term benefits of connecting with your Akashic Records consistently include Information on life transforming events, clearing of past karmic debt, clearing ancestral karma, removing vows/oaths from past lives that are influencing current life time, Healing, Clarity, Transformation, Elevation of consciousness, Integrated ego (integration of Higher Self into existing reality), and Expansion of the capacity of compassion, love and kindness for self and others all of which can help clear path to a more fulfilling life, including but not limited to soul plan fulfillment.



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