18 May 2019   |    Views : 434     |      |   

The guiding motivation for all our actions is the need to find happiness. Consumerism often tempts us to believe that we can achieve this goal with a faster car, a better mobile, a prettier dress, or a bigger house (perhaps in a more posh area), and truth be told for a short time these things do make us happy..but for a very short time. The happiness fades away and is replaced with worry and hurry of completing our daily routine - office, home, office

We all know that real happiness doesn't come from having more, but the question is where does it come from and how to achieve it.

Heres the well known but hardly accepted secret. Real happiness comes from within; it comes from connecting with your inner self & by allowing the inner child to express itself. It comes from discovering your core values and aligning your other life choices with them.


  1. Reconnect with inner self: Using scientifically proven techniques, you will connect with your inner self in a way that doesn't require you to stare into a candle flame or make yourself sit still. You will rekindle with your inner child and experience a deeper, more meaningful relationship with yourself using a unique mix of dance, art, laughter and fun activities.
  2. Self-expression: Sometimes words aren't enough to express emotions. You will take a journey of self-expression through another form of communication that taps directly into an unconscious and conscious mind through creative movement and expressive arts.
  3. Body awareness: Our body connects us with the world. We feel our emotions in our body & experience the world through our body, but we often ignore it. Through the workshop, you will become more aware of your body, enhance your senses, and experience the inner and external world more fully. This experience of listening to your body also helps to get rid of the physical manifestations of pent up emotions and stress like backaches, headaches, stiffness, etc
  4. The cathartic release of emotions: You will experience a cathartic release of those pent up emotions which you can't explain or get rid off. Therapeutic movement and expressive arts help to directly access & release emotions without facing who-why-when, avoiding the pesky background story, blame games, perspectives, and issues. By removing words, you focus on what's actually important What am I feeling & how it's impacting me.
  5. Channelize energy through guided-imagery & visualization: Energy is present throughout the entire universe. It exists not only as an energy field around every living thing, but also is circulates through the earth. The flow of this energy connects everything that exists. You will learn to channelize your own energy as well as the universal energy around you through the power of visualization and guided imagery. This technique is also a powerful tool of relaxation, spiritual connect and meditation; it helps you use the power of thought in everyday life to build positivity and happiness.


  1. Its a fun-filled way of delving into your unconscious and understanding yourself better.
  2. In a world where there is only focus on cognitive development, this workshop uses a unique mix to integrate all aspects -physical, psychological, cognitive and mental - to experience wholeness within.
  3. There is no religious angle or preaching, it's about you connect with yourself in your own unique manner.
  4. Its scientifically proven techniques and methodology by experienced professionals
  5. It's an experiential workshop that involves no presentations, lectures or theories you learn from your experiences and sharing circles with other participants.


We spend so much time, effort, energy & money on making our external environment perfect; our inner self also deserves some bit of it, doesn't it?

Finding the light within helps you shine brighter.

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