30 Jun 2019   |    Views : 314     |      |    Bangalore

Ajna Chakra Meditation with Sound Healing

About Third Eye Meditation -

This workshop will focus on the - Ajna Chakra which is a focal point of emission-reception of energies, ideas, thoughts, the mental structure through which we can conceive and understand coherently the subtle mental universe exterior to our being, its characteristic energies, helping us govern our inner universe.

This chakra is also referred to as the eyes or the windows of the soul .... your eyes and your breathing directly influences the brain, our vision is tightly connected to our brain our mental-emotional state affect our eye movement, by doing these meditative practices its possible to achieve more clarity in life & even manage trauma ... the practitioner gets a clear vision and intuitive insight and will help to get to your sixth sense.

About Didgeridoo Healing ...
The didgeridoo produces a low-frequency sound that we can hear, as well as vibrations that we can feel. These low frequencies are claimed to have a healing effect on living tissue and promote movement and unblocking of energy in the body. The benefits of vibrational healing have long been highly regarded in indigenous cultures. Aboriginal elders play the didgeridoo near sick people to help them regain health. Didgeridoo sound healing could be considered as an alternative treatment for stress, disease, anxiety, depression, injury, and emotional pain and so on ...The didgeridoo is an ancient musical instrument and powerful tool that can help lift an individual's vibration back to a less chaotic and natural rhythm.

The broad range of harmonics produced by the didgeridoo vibrate in an ancient and universal tone and can be used as a sound therapy or sound healing tool that effects a person on three basic levels. The low frequency producing characteristic of the didgeridoo has been reported to provide relief to a wide range of joint, muscular and skeletal-related pain as well as promote accelerated healing in various forms of bone trauma. The didgeridoo's sound is an effective tool in releasing stored negative energy or emotional stagnation. This natural characteristic of the didgeridoo provides a high level of qi/pranic clearing and balancing. The most basic description one could give for the energetic clearing power of the didgeridoo is it is like a reiki or qi gong power washer.

It has been reported that the energetic clearing effects are similar to traditional five-element acupuncture. The didgeridoo's unique tones enable listeners to easily enter the deep meditative brainwave states of theta and delta. It is in these brainwave states that we achieve our highest healing potential for both physical and mental health by re-engaging our mind-body connection
Sound Therapy is based on theoretical principles found in the traditions of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine. These ancient healing modalities believe that all life vibrates at various frequencies and specifically, the human body has multiple vibrational frequencies that can slip "out of tune" due to emotional or energetic stagnation. When these frequencies are "out of tune" they can lead to physical and emotional health issues. The tones produced by the didgeridoo make it possible for people who have never consciously focused on meditation and breathing techniques, to reach these deep healing states with very little effort.

Nidhi Fitness Enthusiast, Yoga Teacher, Music Producer, Designer, Healer, Traveller, Making Magic Inter Dimensionally on different planes ..... she moved down to the path of a musician in 2007 when she first used the didgeridoo, the sacred instrument of the aboriginal people of Australia. Through her commitment to this wind instrument, she started to play didgeridoo professionally in 2013 in India with many international and national bands, released an album with a Famous French band in 2017, she felt the wind is inside her and has empowered her a lot.

The human body has powerful healing mechanisms that are often repressed by modern lifestyle factors such as stress, poor nutrition and lack of rest and so on. For some, the harmonically rich sound of the didgeridoo brings the mind and body into a state of deep relaxation, allowing the body's natural healing mechanisms to do their work. In other words, she believes that our constant state of an active mind often prevents our bodies from reaching the full healing potential. Through practices like meditation, we can bring self-healing into our lives.

However, not everyone can make space in their life for disciplines such as meditation and even those that do practice often have trouble clearing the mind and focusing completely on healing. That's often where healers do their greatest work. She believes that we all carry medicine within, most of us just don't know we have it. It is her hope that every human tap into his or her healing potential and shares it with those in need.

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