09 Sep 2017   |    Views : 437     |      |    Mumbai

"Are you willing to free yourself from the constraints of the camera, gear, rules, technique and all that nonsense that you've been subjected to?

Are you willing to begin to truly EXPRESS YOURSELF via the medium of photography?

Are you willing to make the leap from taking snapshots to Making Great Shots?

Quite frankly, we can't think of any damn reason why you shouldn't be!"


Learn how to better observe the world around you, improve your ability to see the endless possibilities in a setting and become a better photographer. Discover the ability to translate your vision into evocative images that communicate your vision. Join me on this one-of-a-kind photography workshop in Mumbai as I take you on a visual journey over six amazing hours that will not only change your photography but forever will change the way you look at the world around you!


Five years in the running, From Snapshots to Great Shots - The Art Of Seeing Photography Workshop by Stops Of Light Photography is the only Photography Workshop in India that brings you face-to-face with what you really need to Make Great Photographs: Your Eyes, Your Mind, and Your Heart! 


A unique, one-of-a-kind weekend photography workshop in Mumbai – India, designed to teach and instill the ability to see visually and tell a story through pictures. Put simply, this is the photography workshop that empowers you to go from taking snapshots to making Great Shots.

Described by Workshop Participants as "A Masterclass on Visual Design & Photographic Composition",  the “FROM SNAPSHOTS TO GREAT SHOTS – THE ART OF SEEING” is the definitive workshop that will set you on the path to making great images with the camera you own – cell phones included!

While other photography courses teach rules and techniques, this workshop addresses the heart of the matter: What lies in your field of vision? What are its building blocks? How are the elements connected? What does one make an image of? How do you ensure that the image is full of meaning and impact? And how do you convey that meaning?

Put simply, you will learn to deconstruct the world as you look at it through your eyes – and see it in an entirely new way. That, is what Seeing photographically is all about!


It doesn’t matter whether you are a professional photographer or a beginner really. The skills you’ll learn in this workshop will lift the veil of your preconceptions from over your eyes and mind. You’ll be amazed to find a wealth of photo-opportunities just waiting to be discovered everywhere, and see the world as you’ve never seen it before. You’ll be surprised on a daily basis as your ability to see and observe increases and keeps growing. You’ll delight as you discover the interconnected nature of things in front of you and how one flows to the other. You’ll begin to glimpse The Bigger Picture……

Guess what? Your photography will be so, so much the better for it!

I’m often asked what photography gear I use to make my photos; the answer is this: “two eyes, one brain, one heart. One index finger to trip the shutter button. And oh yes, the camera – that just captures what my eyes see, my brain thinks and my heart feels onto a memory card. That’s my gear for you!”

The most important equipment in photography? It’s not the camera – it’s YOU!

About time you learned to recognize and unleash your true potential, don’t you think?


  • The Fundamentals of Seeing: The difference between Looking versus Seeing. How Seeing is different from Composition. What are the barriers to Seeing and how to overcome them. How our minds process visual information.

  • The Power of ColorColor theory and symbolism, how to use color, the pitfalls of color, using color for maximum impact.

  • The Beauty of Form: What is Form? The building blocks of Form and their symbolism, emotional impact, mutability, and how to use them to make better photographs.

  • The 3rd Dimension & Beyond: Principles & methods for creating the illusion of depth in a two-dimensional image. Principles and methods to lead the eye on a visual journey through the image.

  • Moments: What are ‘Moments’? Their classifications, preparing for them, spotting them and nailing The Decisive Moment.

  • Contrast: Understanding contrast and its role in the image making process. Dispelling the myth that contrast is just about light and dark. Understanding the emotional impact of various types of contrast and how to best use them.
  • Putting it all together: Learn how to dissect what lies before your eyes, then learn how to put things back together.  Learn how to make compelling photographs that tell an entire story in a single frame.


Your Mind, Your Eyes. We'll open both for you. And no, we're not kidding...

Because Good Photography is not about technique. You either see, or you don't see. The rest is academic. Photography is simply a function of seeing. Nothing more.

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