24 Jun 2018   |    Views : 394     |      |    Mumbai

Children learn through play. You hear us say this often, but what does it mean? From birth, children are active participants in building their own understanding. They do this by experimenting, observing, and participating with other children and adults.

In various advanced activity centers and preschools you see children working a puzzle, reading a children's story book, working in team to solve clues or engaging in hands on activities. These activities develop the following skills in children.

  • Small muscle control
  • Eye-hand coordination
  • To increase their focus ability and concentration skills
  • Parts-to-whole concepts
  • One to one correspondence and sets
  • Visual discrimination about shape, color, space, and texture
  • To express their thoughts on paper
  • To construct words, phrases, and sentences


Ideas for kids specialize in this field with not just theoretical teaching but we focus on practical applications and hands on experience too.

We have various engaging activities and programs for children which includes exposure to Science, Mathematics, Arts, Baking, Strategic games and many more.


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