Views : 2477 | Price : INR 600 Pe | Event Date : 08/21/2022
New Delhi;
YogART "Inner Colours" course is inspired by Sri Aurobindo's philosophy All LIFE IS YOGA-
it combines the power of yoga and the beauty of Art into one amazing event.
It uses the tools of yoga to access our inner state and express it through Art, focusing on experiential learning at all levels of our Being.
The course uses the tools of Asana, Pranayama, Sound, Visualisation and Meditation to prepare the Body, Breath, Mind, Emotions to connect to the deeper self, to recognise inner emotions and intuitions and be guided to express those emotions and ideas through Art.
By correlating the Postures, Breathing and Meditation with the Colour and Art technique of the day, learning becomes holistic and experiential.
1.Increased colour awareness.
2 Increased sense of aesthetics.
3.Understanding the impact of colour on our psychology and it's influence on our behaviour.
4.Understanding the effect of opposite colour and it's aesthetic ratio
5. How to work with natural colours available at our home.
6. Learn to express ourselves better through Movement and Art.
7. Increased awareness of body, impact of colour on body and breath.
8. Body experience translation to colour and colour experience translation to body.
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